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American Craft Beer Week, May 14-20

May 14-20 is American Craft Beer Week, a nationwide happening organized by the Brewers Association. ...

A Swig of Pig: Drinkable Bacon

Rogue Ales may be the best-known outfit dabbling in the grease of our totem animal, but they aren't ...

Deschutes/Hair of the Dog Collage Beer Dinner at Wildwood, May 14

In celebration of Collage, the first beer born out of the Conflux Series from the breweries, a dinne...

Aerosol Spray Gets You Instantly Drunk For a Few Seconds

A Franco-American scientist has come up with a mouth spray that makes you instantly drunk. For a few...

Growler Man Offers Artisan Growlers for Your Craft Brew

Growler Man provides growlers that are crafted with as much care, skill and attention to detail as t...

Beer & A Haircut: Barbershops that Serve 'Em Up

Barber shops are taking it back to the days of straight edge razors and scotch. Here are some places...

Beer Review: Liefmans Goudenband

Liefmans Goudenband is a delightful Flanders oud Bruin, a style originated in the Flanders region of...

World Beer Cup Brings 10 Awards Home to Oregon

In a bi-annual contest that featured 799 breweries from 54 countries and 45 U.S. states, the Brewers...

May the 4th Be With You: Win a Han Solo Ice Cube Tray

May 4th marks the annual May the fourth be with you holiday geek extravaganza otherwise known as Sta...

Mac Power Adapter Works as Beer Bottle Opener

Thanks to graphic designer Eva Giselle, we have another tool to use for opening bottles of beer....

Explainer: Italian Wine Classifications

The terms DOCG, DOC and IGT are bestowed upon Italian wines based on what regulations and specificat...

Spirits Review: Denizen Rum

If Denizen Rum were a musical genre, it would be a mash-up of soca and reggae: two Caribbean styles ...

Where to Celebrate Cinco de Mayo in Portland

This Saturday is Cinco de Mayo -- a day that has become a nationwide celebration of Mexican culture ...

American Saisons: 5 Beers for Spring

One of the most popular styles this time of year is the saison. Originally from Belgium, U.S. option...

Vote for Cascade as America's Best Brewpub

CHOW included the Portland mainstay in their "Best Brewpub in America" bracket, and Cascade has made...

Beer Review: Unibroue Blanche de Chambly

When Unibroue released Blanche de Chambly in 1996, the Chicago Beverage Testing institute pronounced...

SF Weekly Taste-Tests Marshmallow, PB&J Vodka So We Don't Have To

Wanted to shout out our thanks to the good cocktailians at SF Weekly, who dedicated a day (and a who...

Brewer's Cow Beer-Infused Ice Cream Available Online

When you're craving a beer, but also something rich, refreshing and sweet, there's now a new option:...

Kids Are Drinking Hand Sanitizer

The LA Times is reporting that during the past two months, California emergency rooms have received ...

Breakside Brewery 2nd Anniversary Party, May 12

It's been a full two years since the Northeast Quadrant welcomed Breakside Brewery, and the rapidly ...

Spirit Review: Jim Beam Red Stag Spiced & Honey Tea

Red Stag Honey Tea and Red Stag Spiced are two of the newest releases from Jim Beam, hitting shelves...

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