Best Places to Get a Craft Beer Keg in Portland

Forget fancy decorations or entertainment, the only thing a party needs to be successful is a keg of good beer. Kegs allow you to step out of the kitchen or bar and into the party with the rest of your friends. Now that many breweries and bottle shops offer craft microbrews you don’t have to relive your old college parties — unless you want to, that is. Who knows, you could be the first person to do a keg stand with that super rare beer you love.
Belmont Station: It’s no surprise that the winner of DrinkPortland’s Drinker’s Choice Award for Best Beer Selection has a great selection of kegs for your next party. Twenty-liter sixtel kegs start as low as $65 for an everyday national brand, American Lagers, and go up to $250 for bigger barrels of speciality beers. Plus, if you plan ahead and pay in cash you can get a discount of up to $10. Don’t see that special obscure beer you love on the list? Call ahead to see if the well-connected buyers can help you track down a barrel from your favorite small brewery. Not only is there a great beer selection, you can also grab a keg of root beer while you're there, so your party’s designated drivers don’t feel left out of the fun (4500 SE Stark St; 503-232-8538).
Laurelwood Public House and Brewery: There aren't a lot of places you can buy a keg directly from a brewery, but going to the source is a great way to get your beer both fresher and cheaper. This NE neighborhood brewery may only offer two types of beer, but has great deals for any need. People with home taps will love that kegs start as low as $33 for a three-gallon refillable. If you’re having a party, $125 for a full 15.5-gallon keg of organic beer — including a tap and an ice bucket — is also a great deal. Unlike many breweries, Laurelwood’s dock sales take place every evening, so you don’t have to buy a week in advance. After you call ahead to reserve your keg, you can stop by the Laurelwood Public House at 51st and Sandy any day of the week between 11 PM–midnight to pick up your barrel of fun (5115 NE Sandy Blvd; 503-282-4948).
Rogue Ales: Who says kegs have to be expensive? Upgrade your party with a keg of Rogue for as little as $96 for 30 liters of classics Dead Guy Ale or Mom’s Hefeweizen. Make sure to call your closest Rogue pub to see what seasonals may be available, and to reserve your keg at least 48 hours in advance. You can collect any day of the week between 10 AM–noon (multiple locations).
Tags: Beer