Warm Up: 10 Portland Bars with Fireplaces

After a long summer, you may have forgotten how to cope with the cold weather, but don’t worry, these bars will have a fire waiting for you all winter.
Roadside Attraction: Nothing says SE Portland quite like the eclectic mix of odds and ends used as seating and decoration around this outside fire; sometimes you can even find a musical instrument to play. Unlike many bars, Roadside Attraction actually burns wood so you can get that campfire feel while you cozy up against the weather. If all of the stumps and benches are taken then head inside for free pool (1000 SE 12th Ave.; 503-233-0743). AW
Cruzroom: Whether you come for the covered fireside seating on the patio, the infused spirits or the happy hour tacos, you will undoubtedly stay for the Jenga and Lego parties. As long as you don’t drop any pieces in the fire, that is (2338 NE Alberta St.; 503-208-3483). AW
Heathman Hotel Lounge: Fires can conjure up many different images, from camping in the woods to leather seats in a majestic library. If you’re looking for the fancy kind of fire then head over to the Heathman Hotel’s lounge. Choose from cozy couches, booths and tall chairs to take in the luxurious antique feel of the Heathman Hotel’s marble fireplace. The lounge’s comfortable and intimate feel makes it a nice departure from the bustling bars in the area and a great place for a wintry date (1001 SW Broadway; 503-790-7752). AW
Barwares: With an incredibly inviting couch and a projected movie screen above the fire, Barwares is like the living room you’ve always wanted, but with way better drinks. This winter you can actually have your couch, TV, fire and friends without becoming a shut-in (4605 NE Fremont St.; 971-229-0995). AW
Blue Moon Tavern and Grill: The circular tables around two sizable fireplaces at this Portland institution are great places to meet new and old friends. If the fire is too tranquil for you, there are always willing pool partners on hand (432 NW 21st Ave.; 503-223-3184). AW
The Spare Room: Whether it's karaoke night, a show, or a DJ curating the tunes for the night, the fire's on at this 42nd Aveune bar. The couches surrounding the fireplace are optimal for catching a break from the action (4830 NE 42nd Ave.; 503-287-5800). KL
Rontoms: An option between indoor and outdoor fireside seating ensures Rontoms has the right atmosphere for any mood. Vintage-style couches and coffee tables surround the indoor fireplace in a sunken area of the bar that is perfect for a relaxing drink and occasional intimate live music shows. Outside, the fire fuels intense ping pong games throughout the year on their roomy covered patio (600 E Burnside St.; 503-236-4536). AW
Tonic Lounge: The cozy lounge has two fireplaces, ideal for warming up on those nights when the Portland rain soaks down to the bone (3100 NE Sandy Blvd.; 503-238-0543). KL
EastBurn: Tired of sharing your fire like some sort of animal? At the EastBurn, you can have your own personal fire billowing away at one of their patio tables (1800 E Burnside St.; 503-236-2876). AW
Doug Fir: The trendy East Burnside music venue and hangout didn't skimp on the décor when it reopened in 2004. From mirrors to the lighting, this state of the art venue considered the mood-making essentials like fireplaces and fire pits (830 E. Burnside St.; 503-231-9663). KL
Tags: Fireplace