PDXbeergeeks First Anniversary Party at Eastburn, July 21

What makes great craft beer even better? Enjoying and discussing it with other fans of the good stuff. That’s the mission behind pdxbeergeeks, a blog and quarterly gathering that on Saturday is celebrating its first anniversary.
It’s been a year since founders Michael and Emily launched the endeavor, and during that time the Portland beer scene has continued to explode. Come out to EastBurn from 4–10 PM for a fun-filled evening of beer drinking, with plenty of prizes to be won.
Unique brews will be available, including a limited release and Blackberry Sage Porter from Short Snout, plus other options from The Commons, Natian and Fort George. Buy a $2 raffle ticket to win gift certificates to Brewvana Brewery Tours, Bridgetown Beerhouse, Vintage Cocktail Lounge, Hikes and Pints and more.
Catch you there, beer lovers.
Event Date: 07/21
Event Time: 4-10 PM
Location: Eastburn
Price: PAYG
Website: www.pdxbeergeeks.com/2012/06/first-anniversary-party.html