Farewell to Jobs: The Steve Jobs Drink

Along with much of the world, we were saddened last night when Apple confirmed founder Steve Jobs had died. With only 56 years on this planet, the man had such vision that he managed to touch and change the lives of a great many – and society as a whole – for the better.
If you were online anywhere in the U.S. when the news broke, you were immediately part of a community of people using devices Jobs was responsible for to communicate about how he would be missed. Whether you were using a handheld smartphone inspired by the iPhone, a Windows computer with an operating system inspired by the Macintosh, a Mac itself, or just finding solace in music from iTunes, you had the turlenecked king of the geeks to thank.
Of course, what we do when we want to commemorate someone is create a cocktail in their honor. We actually came up with the one below when Jobs stepped down as CEO, and we're mixing it up again to toast his memory.
Cheers, Steve. Rest in peace.
Steve Jobs has stepped down as CEO of Apple, and it’s only fitting that we toast him for a job well done.
After all, it’s the handy iMacs that keep the Drink Nation content coming your way on a regular basis, while we sync our iPods, iPhones and breakfast with iTunes, take pictures in Photobooth, loop demos in GarageBand for funsies, and run Angry Birds flawlessly.
We also used our iMacs to take a picture of this cat and make it look like it’s in space. Ha ha! Hilarious.
Anyhow, let’s all toast Steve Jobs for flipping the world (both the computer world and the planet Earth) upside down.
The Steve Jobs Drink
4oz. Apple Cider
2oz. Whiskey
1/2oz. Orange Liqueur (Combier preferred)
1/2oz. Lemon Juice
Shake ingredients with ice, serve neat. Garnish with iPod Shuffle. Serve on an iPad.