This Winemaker is Releasing A 'Saturday Night Live' Line
Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night Wine! Your late-night Saturday drinking choices just got more thematic, as winemaker Lot18, in collaboration with SNL, is releasing a line of Saturday Night Live themed wines, perfect for pairing while watching the show. Lot18, which sources from wineries around the world, is producing four different bottles, three character ones and one general SNL wine called Live From New York, a California red blend.
With the character wines, you can bring a party down with horrible statistics while sipping a 2016 Debbie Downer, a Chardonnay from Australia; show off the hottest clubs in New York with the 2016 Stefon Beaujolais; or give convoluted driving directions over a glass of The Californians, a 2016 Monterey County Merlot. The wines are $20 a bottle, but you can grab all four for $70 or a full case for $189. Pre-orders can be made at Lot18, for a limited time only, with bottle descriptions found there as well.
Photo via Lot18