Brewer's Association Launches $213 Billion Campaign to Buy AB InBev

The two organizations have been feuding in recent years, with BA decrying the continuous acquisitions of smaller breweries by AB InBev, while brewers from the larger company have defended their work and the company. And while AB InBev does use its massive wealth and production levels for considerable charitable work, it also continues to acquire breweries both large and small.
$213 billion would be the largest crowdfunded project in history, and even the Brewer’s Association doesn’t seem to think it too likely, with the slogan “It only seems impossible if you really think about it” on the top of their site. In order to fundraise that much it would need a donation of $653.37 from every United States resident. The current amount raised is at $2,380,000, a considerable sum, yet one that is nowhere near the goal. The website does not describe what the organization plans on doing with the money in the meantime or if they, likely, do not reach it.