Americans, they say, vote with their dollars. And, as we’ve seen, they are much more likely to vote with their dollars when the voting is cheap — case in point, the fact that Ivanka Trump’s clothing line has tanked in recent month — coupled with the new inability of Wegmans to keep TRUMP Wines on the shelves. And yes, the all-caps “TRUMP” is how they are branded. Please take a moment to get over your shock before continuing.
Recently, the
National Organization for Women has started to boycott the beloved grocery chain over their carrying of TRUMP wines, which has unfortunately backfired. Trump supporters are snatching the wines off the shelves to show their support, selling out many Wegmans locations’ stock of the wine. Unfortunately, when a form of counter-protest is so readily available and inexpensive, the people show up in droves.
But is it inexpensive? From photos posted on Twitter, a lot of the wines look to be in the $19-25 range, which is highly priced even by wine standards. You can generally get all the great wine you need for under $12 a bottle, and this is by far great wine: the highest score Wine Spectator has given out for a Trump vintage is 84 points and the lowest is 81 — which sound like decent scores out of 100. However, wines appear to get 50 points based solely on being in liquid form, and these scores are just a few points above “mediocre.” Would you pay $25 for a mediocre wine when, if you look down the shelf, you can get a great one for around $10? If you would, I’m pretty sure I know who you voted for.
None of this should come as a surprise. Many hard-working people who wouldn’t have known better went all-in on Trump and are getting marginal returns — so if that attitude is good enough for our president, you can bet your ass it’s good enough for our wine!
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