A Scottish Brewery has Made Beer from Clouds
Have you ever been staring up at the clouds and thought, “wow they should bottle this stuff?” Your dreams have been granted, according to NBC News, with the release of the “Sky P.A.” from Innis and Gunn.
The Scottish brewery will be producing 500 pints of this limited edition pale ale brewed using moisture cultivated from the clouds over southern Scotland. They were able to harvest the water using a custom-designed turbine device which they flew over the Devil’s Beef Tub hollow in the hills of Moffatt, Scotland.
Dougal Sharp, CEO of the experimental brewery, told NBC, “It tasted like good clean brewing water. We’re very pleased with the [beer] flavor, we’re very pleased with the way it turned out.”
The beer was brewed in part to promote the brewery’s “Adventure Capital” crowdfunding campaign. They have a goal of raising one million Euros in order to expand their lineup of beers and brewery locations. Currently, Innis & Gunn is the UK’s second largest craft brewer.
Sharp told NBC they are unlikely to make any more cloud beer due to the costs used to produce it. He did say he is open to the possibility if the 500 pint batch really puts people on cloud 9.
Photo via Innis & Gunn on Facebook
Tags: Beer, News