A Spanish Winemaker is Producing Blue Wine
We’ve all heard of red wine and white wine. We’ve even had pink Rosés and some wines that have an orange hue to them. But now, we can get what we’ve always dreamed of when looking through a wine list: blue wine. This grand innovation is brought to you by Spanish winemaker Gik, which is, incidentally, also the sound you make when you think about blue wine.
There is a genetic disease that turns your urine blue and gives you abdominal pain, but to do that on purpose doesn’t seem like the best idea for a night out—although nothing about this wine seems like a good idea. There’s nothing that screams classy like looking like you’ve dunked your wine glass into some kiddie pool full of jungle juice in the dirty basement of a frat house somewhere. If you’re going to drink blue wines, at least stick to Boone’s Farm—at least they have the I-just-want-to-get-drunk-and-have-a-headache-but-can’t-afford-adult-style-alcohol hipster appeal.
Photo via Flickr user L. M. Bernhardt