Boozy Lollipops are the Perfect Treat for Drinkers With a Sweet Tooth

Okay, so they aren’t truly alcoholic by any means, but we’re still intrigued by the boozy lollipops from Lollyphile. Lollyphile is a confectionary focused on the stranger, unexplored regions of lollipop flavors. Even the more “normal” fruit flavors are bold, such as the pomegranate-tangerine. They make cereal-milk flavored lollies (cocoa, frosted, and fruit cereals), charcuterie flavored (maple bacon, bleu cheese, and more), coffee, tea, and some truly bizarre flavors (breast milk?!). But what they really focus on at Lollyphile is alcohol lollipops.
Beer, wine, cocktails, and spirits are all featured. Oregonians will probably love the IPA pops. Others may prefer a lager, chardonnay, or merlot. Those with a sweet tooth might enjoy the “strawnana” daiquiri or strawberry basil mojito. The adventurous drinker might like the absinthe flavored pop, and there is always the standard bourbon for gentlemanly sucking.
Our take: grab a mixed pack of the booze flavored, and see which you like best! Just maybe stay away from the “courage” packs. Sriracha bacon, bleu cheese, and breastmilk are ones we’re not quite bold enough to try.
Photo via Lollyphile
Tags: Food, Spirits