Motorhead Fans Start a Petition to Have a "Jack and Coke" Renamed a "Lemmy"

When it does reach the required signatures—which are petitioned to “The Entire World”—is anyone going to actually call a Jack and Coke a “Lemmy”? Even if you signed the petition and want so badly for it to be renamed after one of rock’s gods, what is going to happen if you walk into a bar and order a Lemmy? Unless the bartender is a good friend or you’re a regular, you’ll get a blanket stare and then you’ll have to specify what you want by its actual name.
So, can we stop wasting people’s time with silly petitions that will get nowhere? In the end, the petition is a nice idea to pay tribute to someone who meant a lot to many, but ultimately will fall on deaf ears—possibly ears made deaf by just how damn loud Motorhead was.
Photo via Flickr user Sam Howzit
Tags: Cocktails