Drink Up: Craft Brewers Petition to Rename Thursday to #ThirstDay
Sometimes there are tongue-in-cheek movements that are started as a joke, but build up enough steam to become serious ideas—take, for instance, Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy. One of those movements, however, is not New Belgium’s change.org petition to rename Thursday “#ThirstDay”—and yes, the hashtag and double capitalization are part of the name.
New Belgium is joined by some other breweries—namely, Dogfish Head, Anchor, Summit, and Indeed. These breweries believe that because most people enjoy an extra drink or two on Thursday—excuse me, #ThirstDay—why not rename it to reflect that? As a joke, it barely deserves more than an eye roll and a knee slap.
Most people seem to agree, as the petition has been on change.org for at least a week and is still struggling with only 39 of the required 100 signatures as of this writing. But hey, those of you who don’t sign will be on the wrong side of history—the hashtag will take you into the 21st “(and dare we say the 22nd?)” century. The petition ends with the note that the brewery has petitioned the Romans since they are the ones who originally named the days.
So, if you’re a big fan of attempted comedy that falls flat on its face, please sign the petition. Otherwise, you can continue to drink New Belgium beer with the understanding that we’ll pretend this never happened.
Photo via change.org
Tags: Beer