12 Bars Open on Thanksgiving in Portland

“Open All Day, Every Day” is the motto at Radio Room, and it lives up to it as much as it legally can. This fun neighborhood spot is open from 9 AM until 2 AM every day of the week. They keep to these hours on holidays, including Thanksgiving. (1101 NE Alberta St.; 503-287-2346)
Everyone’s favorite hotel bar and venue is open every day of the year for residents of the Jupiter Hotel and any Portlanders who want a drink or a meal. There’s no show that evening, but the hours are regular, 7 AM–2 AM. (830 East Burnside St.; 503-231-9663)
You can find college students, hipsters, and older residents smoking out back here under heat-lamps every day of the year. On Thanksgiving, Momo’s opens late, around 7 PM, to give its employees some time with family and friends. (725 SW 10th Ave.; 503-478-9600)
If you’re embarrassed to let people know where you are spending your Thanksgiving, head here. Then when asked, you can say you went to “My Father’s Place” and hope they don’t pry further. There will be some special menu items, including a full Thanksgiving dinner with all the staples for $12. Hours are regular. (523 SE Grand Ave.; 503-235-5494)
If you feel like grabbing a burger for your Thanksgiving dinner, head over to Mississippi Studio’s bar, Bar Bar. Like Doug Fir, Bar Bar will be open, but there will be no show that night. (3939 N Mississippi Ave.; 503-288-3895)
For a truly unorthodox Thanksgiving, head to one of Portland’s favorite Rock n Roll strip clubs. Vincent Noir, a dancer at both, says, “Devils Point is magic year round, but it is especially atmospheric on holidays”. Devils Point opens at the regular time, LDL a little later in the evening, around 7 PM. (633 SE Powell Blvd.; 503-206-7350 & 5305 SE Foster Rd.; 503-774-4513)
One of our favorite new bars in the city, Bit House will be closed during the day, but will open at 9 PM for all of your post-dinner drinking needs. Go see owner Jesse Card and bartender Big Cat Brian Gilbert and grab a sherry drink or two. (727 SE Grand Ave.)
Though the Jive Turkey party has moved, The Spare Room remains open for the holiday this year, bringing in Funksgiving with the Devin Phillips Band ($5) instead, starting at 7 PM. It’s the perfect way to dance off some of that Thanksgiving dinner. (4830 NE 42nd Ave.; 503-287-5800)
This oddly named dive bar with a castle-like exterior is a Portland institution. On Thanksgiving, they will be closed during the day, but open at 7 PM. Come in for some cheap drinks and pinball, or stay outside by the roaring firepit. (2035 NE Glisan St.; 503-235-5690)
Pepe le Moko
Jeffrey Morgenthaler’s famous speakeasy bar serves updated, delicious takes on normally reviled drinks like Grasshoppers and Amaretto Sours. Luckily, it’s also open 365 days of the year, so stop in for one of those great drinks. (407 SW 10th Ave.; 503-546-8537)
Photo via Flickr user timsackton
Tags: Beer, Cocktails, Holiday, Spirits, Wine