Matthew McConaughey's Brother Given Year Supply of Miller Lite For Naming Son After the Beer
Matthew McConaughey’s brother Michael (who is better known as Rooster) has hit the jackpot, and it only took him nine years. The ultimate redneck action—naming his son Miller Lyte—has caught the attention of SABMiller, and they are sending him what they think of as a “year’s supply” of Miller Lite, which turns out to be 24 cases. Although, something tells me a guy from Texas named Rooster is going to go through 24 cases of Miller Lite in about 24 days.
As with most of their reactions to market conditions or consumer desires or advertising campaigns, SABMiller is well behind the eightball with this one, as Miller Lyte is now nine years old. It’s a good thing he isn’t a big fan of Porkslap Pale Ale or Bitter Bitch ESB – although Porkslap McConaughey does have a certain ring to it.
And before you ask, no, Rooster does not need any free Miller Lite. Not only is his brother rich and famous and can keep him in the swill for as long as he wants, but Rooster is also a self-made millionaire from owning his own company. He also has the show “West Texas Investors Club” (which I’m assuming is a play on his brother’s “Dallas Buyer’s Club”) which is basically a good ol’ boy version of “Shark Tank’. I’m sure they’ll make a killing on their next big belt buckle investment.
Photo via Flickr user OWENthatsmyname
Tags: Beer