Bugs Bunny Would Love What's on Tap at This Australian Brewery
Curtis says the brew, along with his finger lime collaboration brew with the Lime Caviar Company, helps bring beer drinkers and local producers together. Once something is in your beer, and giving it a prominent flavor, you may want to investigate further and see what else your surrounding area can produce. Not only that, but the beer is made with juicing carrots, which are a type of carrot that cannot generally be sold. So far, Four Hearts has repurposed almost 20,000 tons of carrots that the farm would not have originally been able to sell and would have gone to waste.
While Australia may be a bit far to travel to try a carrot beer, there are plenty of sugary vegetables in the states that can be used to brew with—beets, for instance, have a lot of sugar. And who wouldn’t want a dark purple beer?
Hopefully the practice can catch on and what used to be waste can be turned into delicious beer—because everything should be turned into beer.
Photo via Four Hearts Brewing Company
Tags: Beer