Party with a Purpose at Lompoc's Sidebar, Feb. 3

Lompoc Brewing's Sidebar is hosting an event benefiting the Portland Women's Crisis Line. This "Fireside Chat" will feature special guest AJ, of Portland's own female-friendly sex shop, She Bop, who will be leading a fun and informative sex positive chat, and answering any questions from the audience about sex, love, and consent. There will also be a silent auction with local items and experiences that would make for a perfect Valentine's Day gift.
Tickets are $15 and be found here. 100% of the proceeds will go to PWCL for their ongoing work towards a world free of sexual and domestic violence. Sidebar will be offering their menu of food, beer and drinks for guests.
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2015-02-03 6:30 PM
2015-02-03 8:30 PM
Party with a Purpose at Lompocs Sidebar, Feb. 3
Event Date: 02/03
Event Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Location: Sidebar
Price: $15
Type: Beer,Cocktails,Education,Food,Fundraiser,Parties
Tags: Beer, Cocktails, Education, Food, Fundraiser, Parties