10th Annual Widmer Brothers Oktoberfest, Sept. 13
For its tenth year, Portland’s largest Oktoberest is returning to the brewing grounds of Widmer Brothers Brewing on September 13 from 2 to 11 PM.
The 21+ event has free admission so bring your DD and buy her a pretzel or sausage. The loading dock will again be transformed into an area for bands and the pub will be open too.
Standbys such as Green & Gold Kolsch, Hefeweizen, Upheaval, and Alchemy will be available along with this year’s version of Okto.
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2014-09-13 2 PM
2014-09-13 11 PM
10th Annual Widmer Brothers Oktoberfest, Sept. 13
Website: http://www.widmerbrothers.com
Widmer Brothers Brewing
Event Date: 09/13
Event Time: 2 PM - 11 PM
Location: Widmer Brothers Brewing
Type: Beer,Festival
Website: http://www.widmerbrothers.com
Tags: Beer, Festival