Start practicing your “WHOOOOHOOOO”s and beer chants, the 27th Annual Oregon Brewers Festival is from July 23 - 27 at Waterfront Park in downtown Portland. Event hours are Noon to 9 PM Wednesday through Saturday and Noon to 7 PM on Sunday.
Admission into the event is free but to get some sips, festival goers must purchase the $7 souvenir glass. Beer is purchased with wooden tokens, with prices for full glasses of beer varying and 3-oz. tastes available for $1.
The Specialty Tent (aka the Buzz Tent) will return with uber-geek beers, cellared specialties, one-offs, and other rare brews.
We won’t even try to list all of the beers but we can tell you that 88 handcraft beers are poured in the main festival; another 100+ in the Specialty Tent.
17 new breweries have been added to the festival this year including: Ashtown, Central City, Cigar City, Coronado, Crux, Ecliptic, Ex Novo, Fitger’s, Grain Station, Kells, Mazama, No-Li, North Rim, Payette, Sixpoint, Viking Braggot and Wild Ride.
Whoop, whoop! Just kidding! ... sort of.
Add to Calendar
2014-07-23 12 PM
2014-07-23 9 PM
Hundreds of Brews Will Flow at the 27th Annual Oregon Brewers Festival , July 23-27
Website: http://www.oregonbrewfest.com
Waterfront Park
Event Date: 07/23,07/24,07/25,07/26,07/27
Event Time: 12 PM - 9 PM
Location: Waterfront Park
Type: Beer,Festival
Website: www.oregonbrewfest.com
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