2nd Annual Rye Beer Fest
The Rye Beer Fest, a celebration of the revival of rye beers, will be held at EastBurn during Portland Beer Week. The fest will take place on Friday June 7th, from 4-10 PM and will feature 19 rye beers. Two of the beers being featured are special collaboration beers. One was brewed by 10 Barrel Brewing Company in collaboration with Taplister and the other was brewed by Hopworks Urban Brewery in collaboration with Taplister. All proceeds from the sale of the collaboration beers will be donated to the Children’s Cancer Association. Click here for taplist.
Event Date: 06/07
Event Time: 4-10 PM
Location: EastBurn
Price: PAYG
Type: Beer
Website: ryebeerfest.com
Tags: Beer