Beer Review: Prairie Artisan Ales Standard

Welcome Prairie Artisan Ales to the fold of adventurous craft brewers. The Tulsa, OK, duo of gypsy-brewing brothers simply “wanted to do something awesome,” so they launched a beer brand. A Kickstarter campaign to build their own, barrel-aged only brewery was recently very successful (over $23,000 pledged toward a $10,000 goal), so the roaming brewers will soon have a home base.
Prairie ales are already distributed by Shelton Brothers of Belchertown, MA, however, a diverse set of brews with distinct, rustic flavors matched by equally distinct and colorful label art. We recently tried Prairie Artisan Standard, a low-ABV, hoppy farmhouse ale suitable for “everyday drinking.”
Poured from a stubnose 12-oz. bottle into a tulip, Standard appears golden yellow in the glass. The aroma is of lightly toasted bread and citrusy hops, creating a very pleasant and intriguing nose. First taste on the tongue is of spicy lime, probably from the Motueka hops, a variety from New Zealand known for this unique flavor.
As anticipated, the brew is very refreshing and easy to sip at only 5.2% ABV. Standard is a nice rendition of the traditional style that has been brewed by farmers — not brewers — on Belgium’s country farms for centuries. However, the use of fresh, citrusy, hops gives this classic style a distinctly American, hop-forward flavor.
Prairie Artisan Ales is a very promising new addition to the scene, and with the exposure Shelton Brothers distribution provides, their name should quickly become well-known. We’re looking forward to tasting the many barrel aged brews that will come from the new brewery, earning a spot in distribution alongside their more straightforward ales.