Beer Review: Victory Swing Session Saison

Victory Brewing Company of Downingtown, PA is one of the crown jewels of the U.S. craft beer community. A source for diverse ales and lagers since its founding in 1996, Bill Covaleski and Ron Barchet’s brewery has grown to a capacity of over 90,000 barrels per year. Along with expanding production, the pair continues to grow the roster of offerings. One of the newest labels to come off the line is Swing Session Saison, a bright, refreshing, funky spring seasonal.
Poured from a 12-oz. bottle into a tulip glass, Swing is a transparent golden yellow with a thick, two-finger, white head. The aroma is a mix of the funky barnyard scents typical of a saison with hints of citrus in addition to musty grape skin and straw. Orange peel and lemon zest were indeed used in the brew, as well as peppercorns, on top of a base of German rye, oats and wheat.
If you’re familiar with Victory’s longstanding year-round Prima Pils, you may recognize some of the taste of Swing, which is slightly more floral. Both German and American hops are balanced by fruity, peppery Belgian saison yeast flavors. All of these complexities coalesce into a refreshing and light-bodied ale with a dry finish, well-suited to its highly sessionable 4.5% ABV.
This combination of funk, flavor, crispness and low-alcohol content is a welcome addition to the spring beer scene. Swing is worth seeking out as patio drinking season kicks into gear.